



psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic theory, psychosomatics, psychosomatic illness, psychosomatic medicine.


Abstract. This text was first presented as a paper at the Autumn Academy of the German Psychoanalytic Society entitled “Relatedness, Autonomy, Dependence” on October 4, 2019, in Heidelberg. Subsequently, in 2020, it was published under its current title as an article in the Yearbook of Child and Adolescent Psychoanalysis (Volume 9: Psychosomatics – Sadomasochism – Trauma). This paper presents a model that places a dilemma at the center of the experience of the relationship and the mental representation of the relationship: the relationship seems possible only if the “Self” and the “Other” are equal and indistinguishable from each other. The only possible alternative to such a merger seems to be isolation and total psychic separation. These considerations correlate with some psychoanalytic models of psychosomatic diseases. The reasons for this can be considered difficulties in triangulating and symbolizing the experience of early relationships, which, accordingly, does not create opportunities for greater psychological freedom for a genuine relationship with another person in all their differences. The experience of physical contact on the surface of the body, which can thus be seen as a boundary and a meeting place between the self and others, is of great importance. This is often a difficulty in the psychopathology of psychosomatic illnesses: instead of being different from the other being seen as creating relationships or deepening them, it only makes them impossible. With regard to the treatment of such patients, it seems important to conclude that one’s own therapeutic position should be characterized as different but related. We are sincerely grateful to the author for the opportunity to publish a revision of this text by Victoria Slyusarenko under the scientific editorship of Zvenyslava Kechur.


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How to Cite

Storck, T. (2024). FUSION OR ISOLATION. THE PSYCHODYNAMIC DILEMMA OF OBJECT RELATIONS IN PSYCHOSOMATIC ILLNESSES. Ukrainian Psychoanalytic Journal, 2(3), 176–187. https://doi.org/10.32782/upj/2024-2-3-16

