Author’s guidelines

General requirements for preparing the text of the paper

Papers that make a theoretical or practical contribution to psychoanalysis in general and in Ukraine, in particular, are accepted for publication. For the original papers, it is allowed to submit only material that has not been published before and is not under review for publication in another journal. 

The author is responsible for the originality of the text of the article, the accuracy of the given facts, quotations, statistical data, proper names, geographical names, and other information, as well as for the fact that the materials do not contain data that are not subject to open publication.

All original papers undergo a double-blind review procedure. The final decision on publication is made by the editors based on the reviews of the reviewers. Translations of previously published papers are not peer-reviewed.

Papers in the journal are checked for plagiarism using software (an example is from the Polish company

The editors are not responsible for the information presented in the paper.

Technical requirements for the papers

- the paper should be submitted in Ukrainian or English in anonymous form (without indicating the manuscript in the article and in the file name);

- the main content of the paper, without the reference list, abstracts, tables, graphs and drawings, etc., should have a volume of 20,000 to 40,000 characters with spaces;

- the electronic version of the manuscript in *.doc or *.docx format should be prepared in the Microsoft Word text editor;

- A4 format, Arial font, size 12, line spacing 2;

- paragraph indentation - 1 cm;

- margins: 2 cm;

- if the paper contains tables and (or) figures, they should be compact, have a title, and the font of the text should be Arial.

Decimal numbers are separated by dots (for example, 0.2). Illustrations (tables, figures, drawings) formatted in MS Word should be grouped into one object. Each illustration should be numbered and named (italicized) and placed in the appropriate part of the text;

- references to literature are drawn up in APA style.

The structure of the paper

The title of the paper in Ukrainian or in English (for submissions in English). It should be concise and should correctly reflect the content of the article. If the article is entitled "Transference of the analyst: a review of concepts", and the content contains purely references to Freud and the early Freudians, it is better to consider the title "Concepts of the transference of the analyst in the works of S. Freud and the early Freudians". 

The main text should begin with an introduction, which explains the problem statement in general and its connection with important theoretical or practical tasks.

Analysis of the latest research and publications, in which the beginning of the solution of the outlined problem is laid and on which the author relies. Citations and internal text references to the source should be in APA style, for example (Brugos, 2008); if the source page is given, it is entered with a colon, for example (Brugos, 2008: 125). References to the author's own works are permissible in the number of no more than 1-2 and, in the process of blind review, should look like a masked citation without a surname. For example, "Earlier I proposed the concept of ... (author of the paper, 2021)".

Determination of previously unsolved issues, which are parts of the general problem to which the paper is devoted, or the relevant hypotheses that you put forward.

Formulation of the purpose of the paper (to highlight, analyze, illustrate, consider, suggest, etc.).

Main part with a discussion of the obtained results. This part may be divided into sections: clinical case (or clinical illustrations) and discussion or methods, results and discussion. Author’s titles for sections are also welcomed.

Conclusions and prospects for further developments.

The list of references should contain all relevant works on the topic of the paper (including those with which the author disagrees so that they can present a constructive critical analysis). As a rule, this is a minimum of 15-20 references, most of which were published in the last 10 years in leading psychoanalytic journals. References to the author's own works are permissible in the number of no more than 1-2 and must be removed at the time of double-blind review. In the appropriate place in the list of references, remove the reference to yourself and leave the indication "Reference to the author of the paper".

Abstract of the paper in Ukrainian (minimum 1800 characters with spaces). There should be a brief summary of the entire article, reflecting the statement of the problem (1-2 sentences), the goal or problematic issue of the article (1-2 sentences), key empirical results or theoretical findings (3-4 sentences), conclusions.

The title of the paper in English. It must be a clear translation of the title in Ukrainian.

Abstract of the paper in English (minimum 1800 characters with spaces). There should be a brief summary of the entire paper, reflecting the statement of the problem (1-2 sentences), the purpose or the question of the paper (1-2 sentences), key empirical results or theoretical findings (3-4 sentences), and conclusions.

Keywords. 5-7 key concepts related to the article's content, in Ukrainian and English. For example, "psychoanalysis, unconscious, transference, resistance, Freud".

It is allowed to submit a paper for review without an abstract in the second language (English or Ukrainian) and with an incomplete format design if the author undertakes to finalize these elements after the paper is accepted for publication in the journal.

The structure of the title page

Title page is submitted as a separate file.

line 1 – УДК code (aligned on the left edge);

  Choose УДК code:

     УДК 159.964.2 Psychoanalysis

     УДК 159.964.21 Interpretation of mental processes

     УДК 159.964.22 Methods, technique of psychoanalysis

     УДК 159.964.26 Psychoanalytic schools and systems

     УДК 159.964.28 Application of psychoanalysis

line 2 – the title of the paper in Ukrainian (aligned in the center, bold, capital letters);

line 3 – last name and first name of the author of the paper; scientific degree, academic title, other professional status (center alignment); 

line 4 – the title of the paper in English (center alignment, bold, capital letters);

line 5 – last name and first name of the author of the paper; academic degree, academic title, other professional status in English (center-aligned);

line 6 - affiliation (for example, institution, community) without abbreviations;

line 7 – orcid code of the author of the article (created once in a lifetime and duplicated in all papers);

line 8 – the author's contact e-mail address (center alignment).

Manuscript submission procedure

For original papers. When you have already prepared the main text of the paper (without the author's name) and the title page (with the author's name), please send them as two separate files to the journal's e-mail -

For translations. Please send translated papers with the indication of the author of the work and the translator to the e-mail of the journal -