procrastination, existential psychoanalysis, phenomenology of everyday life, phenomenological justification of psychoanalysis, philosophical anthropology.Abstract
Abstract. The paper presents the results of a phenomenological study of the experience of procrastination. The phenomenological and existential-psychoanalytic distinction is made between different types of experience of procrastination (ordinary procrastination, laziness); forms of curiosity (ordinary curiosity, authentic curiosity or interest) and their connection with the experience of procrastination; types of procrastination (noble procrastination, ordinary procrastination). The author clarifies the essential obviousness of procrastination as a specific relationship of the here and now of life's accomplishment, as well as the essential basis of procrastination as the inability to attribute a fundamental project to oneself. The phenomenological explanation of the origin of the experience of guilt during the experience of procrastination as the inability of the subject to choose himself as a project is made. A phenomenological and anthropological analysis of the grounds for psychological explanations of everyday reality, as well as an analysis of the grounds for devaluing the so-called “small pleasures” in the case of procrastination experience. The study should serve to distinguish between different experiences of putting things) in order to contribute to the formation of a subject for further psychotherapeutic explanation of the origin of specific experiences during individual psychotherapeutic work.
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