psychological defense mechanisms, personality structures, crisis, work of grief, rituals of transition, interhemispheric asymmetry, gender identity, principle of free energy.Abstract
Abstract. Sigmund Freud’s discovery of psychological defense mechanisms and their impact on the structural organization of personal space became a new milestone in all areas of psychological science. However, the volume of this concept does not yet provide an opportunity to formulate its definition with due precision. At the moment, quite a lot of classifications of MPZ have been proposed, but there is no single one that would be accepted by all researchers. Attempts to reach understanding are based on various properties. Quantitative filling and description of the mechanisms themselves also differ. Based on the fact that any classification must be proven and based on quantitative indicators, as well as show regularities that can be measured and tracked, the author proposed a new threedimensional classification of thirty-nine mechanisms of psychological defenses. Based on my own psychotherapeutic experience, the help of colleagues and the study of various attempts at classification, one general observation criterion was taken as a basis – the direction of the total vector of protective mechanisms. On its basis, calculations were carried out that confirmed longknown regularities, in particular, that the defenses of the psychotic level try to send the unconscious desire inward, the borderline defenses balance, and the neurotic defenses are more directed outward. Additional regularities, calculated in the second part of the article, made it possible to assume that the work of psychological defense mechanisms may be related to the functioning of the cerebral cortex and the work of the corpus callosum. And also, perhaps, regulates the gender identity of the individual. This approach to the classification of this amazing psychological phenomenon can take its place among other similar observations and become one of the fillings of Karl Friston’s «free energy principle» theory.
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