war, psychoanalysis, phenomenology, Russian invasion, psychoanalytic psychotherapy, trauma, UkraineAbstract
«Psychologists at War» is one of the numerous social projects conducted in Ukraine following the Russian armed invasion. The project united psychoanalysts, psychotherapists and crisis psychologists who were providing assistance to Ukrainians since the first days of the Russian occupational invasion. The analysis of this project illustrates the evolution of the understanding of crisis and psychotherapeutic first aid, the dynamics and changes of processes in society following a social catastrophe as well as psychological patterns and work conditions in liberated regions and areas close to the frontline. The article discusses mental phenomena, such as intersubjective and intrasubjective processes, caused by the invasion. The article provides insights into socio-psychological phenomena and peculiarities of the analytic work during the protracted war. The article investigates influences of mental states on social processes and vice versa within Ukrainian society.
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