countertransference, Freudian, post-Freudian and contemporary psychoanalytic movements, frame, free-floating attention, tertiary model.Abstract
Abstract. The review of the article “The Analyst’s psychic work and the Three Concepts of Countertransference” discusses the general idea and separate sections of Fernando Urribarri’s work. In the chapter “Three movements, three models”, the author analyzes the main features and differences in the theoretical understanding of countertransference in three periods: Freudian, post- Freudian, and contemporary. The chapter “post-Freudian movement. Totalistic countertransference” focuses in more detail on the influence of M. Klein, the theory of object relations, on the concept of countertransference. As a part of this approach, the role of the object in clinical practice was revised, which led to a change in the technique and the study of the maternal aspect of countertransference, in the chapter, Urribarri refers to the concept of totalistic countertransference by O. Kernberg. The author analyzes three directions of analytical thought that appeared in response to the approach of M. Klein and her followers, highlighting such theorists as D. Winnicott, J. Lacan, and A. Green. The article ends with the chapter “Сontemporary psychoanalysis: integrated countertransference”, where the author describes the concept of integrated countertransference, the psychoanalytic frame and its importance, the role of the preconscious and unconscious of the analyst. The new tertiary model conceptualized by the author is really valuable for the technique of analytic work, especially with non-neurotic analysands.
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