



involution, psychosis, personality disorder, pathogenesis, narcissism


The paper highlights various approaches to the diagnosis of mental disorders of the involutionary period, emphasizes typical personality traits of patients with involutionary psychoses. The author presented the results of the study of patients with involutional psychoses using clinical-psychopathological, psychodynamic and psychological-experimental methods and gave an assessment of the revealed patterns. The author provides a detailed analysis of the case of a patient with involutional psychosis and shows the great importance of the premorbid personality structure in the formation of the clinical picture and dynamics of the mental disorder that debuted at the age of involution. Through a thorough psychodynamic analysis of the history, it was demonstrated that the patient's personality premorbidity met the descriptive criteria of narcissistic personality disorder. According to the main personal patterns of response, the patient also meets most of the descriptive criteria for narcissistic personality disorder as presented in DSM-IV-TR and DSM-5, namely: reacting to criticism with anger, feelings of shame or humiliation; tendency to exploitation in interpersonal relationships; a hypertrophied sense of self-importance; a tendency to consider one's problems unique and understandable to few; fantasies about success, power, wealth, beauty or ideal love; groundless expectations of particularly good treatment of oneself; seeking attention and approval; lack of empathy: inability to understand and experience the feelings of others; a feeling of envy of the successes and achievements of other people. This is also confirmed by the results of the conducted Clinical Semi-Structured Interview of personality disorders IPDE. The author emphasizes that such an integrative approach, which combines clinical-psychopathological and psychodynamic methods, provides a deeper and clearer understanding of patients with involutional psychoses.


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How to Cite

Pustovoyt, M. (2023). “TAXIDERMIST’S DAUGHTER”: INVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOSIS AS A SUCCESSFUL TEMPTATION BY THE INTERNAL OMNIPOTENT OBJECT. Ukrainian Psychoanalytic Journal, 1(2), 5–18. https://doi.org/10.32782/upj/2023-2-1