


addiction, transfigurative psychotherapy of addiction, narcissistic drive, destructive narcissistic regulation, constructive narcissistic regulation, addictive subculture, Safely Protected Transitional Space


The article presents the concept of a special method of psychotherapy for addictive disorders – transfigurative psychotherapy, which is positioned as an independent and separate method of psychotherapy, sufficient both theoretically and practically. The principle of this method is transfiguration – reformatting the destructive narcissistic regulation of the personality in addictions into constructive narcissistic regulation of the autonomous personality. Addiction is viewed as a digressive disorder of the mental ecosystem, which involves the activity of a fixed imagination (expectation of addictive pleasure) and is associated with rigidity of the affected part of the system and a challenge for the entire system to find resources for its repair (healing). The strategy of transfigurative psychotherapy of addiction is to move from the self-destructive and stigmatized identity of the «forever addicted, albeit sober person» to a mature identity of an «autonomous personality with the experience of substance abuse», transformed into a constructive life position. The article postulates the existence of an innate narcissistic drive as a human need to leave a mark in the evolutionary environment – Culture. The main symbolic carrier of culture is language; therefore, the basic «tool» of the transfigurative approach is the replacement of dominant addictive language symbols, through which addictive self-esteem and social self-realization are constructed, with socially and culturally acceptable narratives. The second important component of transfigurative psychotherapy is the gradual transformation of addictive behavioral rituals into generally accepted, normative forms of constructive social adaptation. The process of re-formatting the addictive culture and forming constructive narcissistic regulation is evolutionary and requires time for the necessary «cultural mutations» and creation of a group space, which we define as a «Safely Protected Transitional Space». The final goal of transfigurative psychotherapy is the development of autonomy: the ability to take responsibility for one's «self-legitimate» actions, as well as for ways of self-realization, and achieving independence (freedom from the unwavering dictates of «chemistry» and biological processes) in choosing ways to realize a wide range of needs based on constructive narcissistic self-regulation.


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How to Cite

Filts, O. (2024). PSYCHOTHERAPY OF ADDICTION: A SKETCH OF THE CONCEPT. Ukrainian Psychoanalytic Journal, 2(3).